There’s truth in this
Weird way of being
we label
It seems a journey
worthy of my the time
to experience the uncharted terrain
to get ‘home’ again.
Whatever that means.
So far it’s been a path of healing
and acceptance.
To land gently into my heart
and walk with temperance
in the mystery of what I’ll discover next
about who I am.
Welcoming fresh excitement around what and
who I am brave enough to love.
And even where I find My Self
Suddenly the door opens to an adventurous
whim by the ocean
Or on an island in guest abodes
Or crafting and decorating for a sweet child’s 9th surprise birthday
Or dining solo and being observed like an infamous food critic at a local high end eatery.
I swallow it all
As I embrace this
of being human.
I have some knowing now
of what it is for me to
Surrender, and surrender
Over and over
In the moment to the mystery
And the Unknown.
Courage, Fear, Grief, Love
are my willing companions.
Not always in that order
of which I do not and cannot
Although there were numerous intentions
dreamed in with many moons.
Each held with an open hand
for some small secret curious wishes to appear.
And with delight, some did.
It’s no simple feat
Allowing the felt sense of satisfying contentment
to wash through my body
I do love this landscape of
Just Being Me
Yes, it is a wild work in progress.
Yet currently
With gratitude
Open wings
And light ahead
It is the juicy
Of my ordinary
~ Marielle